Sylva Consultancy operates throughout the UK providing a range of arboricultural services for both the public and private sector and is able to provide specialist advice in arboriculture to local authorities, developers, planning consultants, architects, land managers and private individuals. Sylva’s arboricultural consultants are able to provide expert advice in arboriculture for our clients needs within Oxford and throughout the UK.
Arboricultural Consultants
Trees can greatly influence the planning and use of a site and are a material consideration in the planning system with many local authorities now requiring a tree survey in order for an application to be registered. Sylva Consultancy’s Arboricultural Consultants are able to provide the following services to support planning applications: Tree Constraints Plans, Tree Protection Plans, Arboricultural Impact Assessments and Arboricultural Method Statements.
Tree Consultant
Trees contribute significantly to our environment and provide a variety of benefits to our well being, however it is recommended that the health, condition and safety of trees are checked on a regular basis. Sylva’s tree consultant can advise you on all arboricultural queries. Sylva Consultancy promotes best practice and are able to undertake a variety of tree survey reports in relation to health & safety matters. We are also able to satisfy mortgage and insurance suppliers in regard to the risk that nearby trees may present, when buying, re-mortgaging, or re-insuring a house. Advice concerning tree preservation orders is also available.